Pompeii is a fascinating ancient Roman city frozen in time when it was buried by volcanic ashes in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. During a visit here you will discover what a Roman city looked like centuries ago by observing the well-preserved buildings and streets.

Pompeii is located about 30 minutes south of Naples and about 5 miles from Mount Vesuvius (an active volcano). Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre rediscovered Pompeii in 1748. Two-thirds of Pompeii has been excavated but less than a third of the buildings in Pompeii are available for public viewing. However, you can spend several days exploring these areas. Additionally, you can visit other sites nearby that were also buried in ash such as Herculaneum and Stabiae.

The Naples National Archaeological Museum preserves a large number of artifacts from Pompeii. So, you could combine a visit to Pompeii with the museum. Please note that not all the areas and artwork of Pompeii are suitable for children due to its erotic nature and the preserved casts of people. Pompeii consists of eight regions. We only had time to visit two regions, 8 and 7. Below are the places you can visit with just a half-day tour.

1 – Quadriporticus of the theatres or Gladiator Barracks & Large Theater

The Quadriporticus of the Theatres or Gladiator Barracks and Large theater are located in region 8. This area served as an entertainment center of the city. The Romans built the Large Theatre on a natural hill in the second century BC and designed it to hold up to 5,000 spectators. The Quadriporticus (four-sided colonnade) originally served as an open space for spectators to mingle and buy food during the intermission. Later, the interior area of the courtyard was transformed into gladiator housing and gyms.

Quadriporticus of the theatres or Gladiator Barracks & Large Theater

2 – The Brothel

Pompeii was a trading town due to its location on the coast. Traders visited the brothel (Lupanar) daily. The brothel is a small building consisting of 5 small rooms with stone beds. The frescoes above the rooms depict the services offered.

The brothel

3 – The Forum

The Forum represents the most important part of a Roman city, as it is the political, commercial, and social heart of the city. The most important civic buildings were located in or around the Forum, such as the basilica (courthouse), the principal temples, and the macellum (market). The Forum is about 465 feet long and 125 feet wide, with colonnades on three sides and the Temple of Jupiter on the fourth.

The forum

4 – Forum Baths

The Forum Baths are located behind the Forum in region 7. These are the smallest bath ruins in Pompeii. They are very ornate and interesting to learn about how they were built. The baths have separate areas for men and women with their own entrances. The baths include changing rooms, Frigidarium (room with a cold bath), Tepidarium (room with a warm bath), and Calidarium (room with a hot bath).

Forum Baths

Additional sites

If you have more time in Pompeii we recommend visiting these sites:

  • The Villa of the Mysteries
  • The Stabian Baths
  • House of the Faun
  • Garden of the Fugitives
  • The Amphitheatre

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