While you should consider your personal health situation before traveling, travel is very possible if you are looking to get out and about. We traveled several times since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020. Our packing list changed slightly and we wanted to share with you the extra items that you may want on your list to stay safe when traveling. Here are a few must-haves when you pack for travel during COVID-19.

1. Masks

This is the number one item you cannot forget. We recommend bringing several masks along on your next trip whether you are traveling by plane or car. On the plane, I wear a disposable mask as I find them more comfortable for longer periods of time. Once I arrive at my destination and leave the airport, I dispose of the mask so I don’t carry any airport germs with me.

Wearing a mask on the plane

If you wear cloth masks, you may want to consider bringing a travel-size detergent with you so you can wash your masks each evening.

2. Travel-size hand sanitizer

TSA relaxed the regulations and allows travelers to carry on 12-ounce containers of hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is important for the times you cannot wash your hands in the sink with soap and water for at least 20 seconds like on a plane or on a road trip.

3. Disinfectant wipes

Most airlines will hand you a disinfectant wipe when you walk on to the plane so you can wipe your tray table, armrest, seatback, and other hard surface areas. However, we recommend taking your own wipes as you will need wipes for your rental car, hotel room, etc. Make sure you use 70% alcohol wipes like Clorox.

4. Thermometer

If you are feeling a little unwell, it is nice to be able to check your body temperature to determine if you are running a fever. If you are, it is best to stay put, be checked out by a doctor, and not travel.

5. Snacks

My husband always laughs when I insist on having snacks with us when traveling. I insist because I don’t want to be delayed somewhere with no place to buy food. Nowadays it is even important to have snacks like nut packets or protein bars as some shops at airports are closed and you are not guaranteed any snacks on the plane. On some flights we received snack packs but on one flight we were lucky that we got water.

Snack pack on United flight

There is a lot to consider when traveling today. I hope this article helps you pack for travel during COVID-19. If I can help answer any questions or offer first hand tips, please let me know. Stay safe and enjoy your travels!