There is no bad time to visit the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos are a year-round destination as there is always something to see and do. Therefore the best time to go is when you can fit it in your schedule!

The Galapagos Islands are located on the equator. This means that the temperatures do not vary a lot throughout the year. When we visited in November the temperature was around 72-80°F and perfect for wandering around the island observing the wildlife. However, we do recommend wearing sunscreen as you are at the equator and need to be protected from UV radiation. We forgot one day and got a little rosy.

The precipitation does vary throughout the year due to the ocean currents and trade winds. The wet season is from December to May and the dry season is from June to November. During the wet season, it is still sunny with blue skies but with daily rain showers. Also, the water temperature is warmer in the wet season due to the Panama current. During the dry season, the colder Humboldt current is prevalent, making the water temperatures cooler and creating a layer of high atmosphere mist. Therefore, the highlands are green and lush while the shore has little rain. Both seasons provide excellent opportunities for viewing wildlife. Please note on our Silversea Cruise in November wet suits were provided, so even though the water was cool we were warm!

When deciding how to fit the Galapagos Islands into your schedule, consider if you want to see a particular animal because some animals migrate. Be sure to check with us to make sure that the animal you would like to see will be in the Galapagos Islands when you visit.

Remember, the time to visit the Galapagos Islands is anytime! Contact us to start planning your adventure.

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